More about IVF method, read here.
Statistics show that, due to sterility, from 15% to 18% of all couples are unable to achieve pregnancy after a year of regular sexual relations with the aim to concieve. Sometimes, mistakenly believed, the sterility was solely related to women, but is now known that the sterility percentage of men and women is almost identical (about 30% - 40%).
In vitro fertilization is carried out as a treatment for infertility only when there is no other easier way of treating infertility and it represents the culmination of this method, but for many couples it is only path to parenthood. It is really important for you to know that pregnancy resulting in vitro fertilization, is completely the same as any other pregnancie occurred in the usual way. To date, with this method, was born over 5 million children worldwide.
Team of experts in Perinatal Clinic for artificial insemination consists of:
- Specialist doctor - a gynecologist
- Biologist - embryologist
- Urologist
- Psychologist
- Anesthesiologist i
- Nurses, who approached each pair individually.
- Intrauterine insemination (IUI)
More about IVF method, read here.
- In Vitro Fertilization (IVF)
More about the ICSI method, read here.
- Microfertilization (ICSI)
More about the ICSI method, read here.